The National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG) has prepared a Discussion Paper on Corporate Governance in India (Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice) for debate and discussion. The Discussion Paper examines the definition and importance of corporate governance as well as the importance of regulating corporate governance practices in the country. The Discussion Paper also traces the initiatives and regulations with regard to the evolution of corporate governance in the country and benchmarks the existing regulations and practices against the widely accepted and well-known OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
The Paper identifies the future drivers of corporate governance in India and examines how, apart from regulations, the forces of competition and demand for low cost capital will provide the momentum for Indian companies striving to achieve higher standards of corporate governance. Finally, the Paper contains a chapter on the initiatives and activities that the NGCG proposes to undertake to promote good corporate governance practices in the country.
The Discussion Paper is being placed on the website for debate, discussion and feedback. Please e-mail your valuable comments and suggestions with regard to the Discussion Paper on Your comments will enable us to enrich and improve the contents of the Discussion Paper.